File hosting and sharing services for business

File sharing sites have become more and more popular over the past few years and this popularity has spread to businesses. These sites now offer companies a secure and convenient way to share files with partners and sometimes even customers. So, in this article, we are going to discuss the functionality of the file hosting service.

Cloud services – modern assistants in production activities

An important question that many specialists face today is the search for the most effective ways of interacting and communicating with modern technically literate users, clients, students, etc. It is cloud technologies that allow you to find a number of solutions that meet the trends of the times, allowing you to economically spend money and at the same time keep up with technological innovations. Cloud services allow you to store and share various data, create web forms, make up layouts, and design projects.

The purpose of using file hosting

Some cloud storage and file-sharing companies have added additional functionality by placing their core capabilities in an extended ecosystem of workflows or even applying them to a specific business, such as for regulatory compliance.

However, despite all these features and characteristics, the main reason to consider using them is to improve the reliability of your business, and backups are the key to success.

So, why companies choose the cloud? There are the following reasons:

  • There should be a differentiation of access rights that can be configured in accordance with the company’s information security policy.
  • Convenient interface. It should be simple, straightforward, and modern. It is important that for its mastering it is not required to carry out special training of employees.
  • Keeping all versions of files. Even if the document has been changed several times, it should be possible to start from the correct version.
  • The convenience of collaboration. To make it easy to share the document and organize your work online.
  • Storage of unlimited amounts of data. The functions of online expansion and a mechanism for flexible adjustment of user quotas are required. This is critical for companies that store archives of documents or work with large files such as video.
  • Backing up stored information. The user must have a guarantee that any document has a history of saving and copies for recovery.

Top10 best cloud services of storage information

There is a wide range of file hosting and sharing services for businesses on the marketplace. Let`s consider the list of the top 10 best alternatives:

  1. OneDrive for Business
  2. Sendfile
  3. Dropbox
  4. Google drive
  5. DepositFiles
  6. GDrive
  7. SkyDrive
  8. FileCloud
  9. ShareFile
  10. Hightail

The key element in choosing the perfect service provider for yourself or your business remains unchanged – think carefully about your needs. For example, while Box offers extremely detailed features, not all companies will need to follow many rules and the like. In such cases, a more consumer-friendly option, such as Google’s core ecosystem, maybe a better choice.